the angel was taking too long to brace Himself and make Her secure again. He was disappointed with Himself about the brainless act from Him to just leave Her like that in the middle of the night alone. Unfortunately, there She goes leaving a mark in His life when He was having a hard time to recruit the best men. Perhaps seeking help from others might not be the best way after all. Perhaps the devils was taking advantage to conquer Her subconscious mind when He was away. If it's really true, damn why can't She make Her own decision and spare a thought that a miracle could happen if She could just wait a little bit more.
now it's not another fairy tale like story that ended peacefully. He never consider this a mistake, He just wish the story didn't end this way.coz He is still so into Her who helped Him write this chapter. But there are still a lot of pages to write in the book. He just hope that She could finish things off where She started by just helping to put the full stop at the last page.
He will not falter though. Probably She wants to be alone and sick of people guarding Her. Maybe She needs freedom. He don't know. But what He knows is that perhaps Hope is the only thing that gets Him going but at the same time kills Him. Continuously running and falling will be his best friend until He is used to it.
Take my thoughts with you, and when you look behind
You will surely see a face that you recognize
you're not alone